You don’t need to hide your magic. We were all born with a spark of the divine.  We all came here with the ability to be powerful, intuitive and multisensory, and to create the lives we want.  Generally, unless we are born into a very conscious family, the world around us unintentionally creates fear and disconnection from our truth and the magical abilities we have inside.  This happens usually from the fear or woundedness of the people around us that has been unconsciously handed down through the generations.

I believe so many people lately are starting to remember the true magical selves they were born to be.  This is evidenced by more and more people spontaneously starting to be interested in things like intuition, crystals, manifesting, and energy, among other things. So many people are waking up to the idea that there is more to the world than what we can see.  It’s super exciting for me to be a part of.

As I work myself more and more out of the spiritual closet and am helping guide others to do the same, I am learning more about the roots of our collective resistance to openly expressing our magical selves.  While I don’t self-identify as a witch (ok maybe Glinda the Good Witch :), I do identify as a magical being, just like everyone else is.  This magical part of us is something that we are all learning to step into the power of.

I’ve become more aware recently of the conscious and unconscious messages that are out there to “not be too weird.”  Now among the people I know, and the media I generally surround myself with I see the opposite message.  “Be Yourself” “Own Your Truth” “Let Your Light Shine.”  These are the messages that feel true and resonate with me, so usually I filter out things that don’t align with this truth.

We all live in a world however, that has lots of messages of conformity all the time.  Whether it’s a TV show with a “weird” person that gets made fun of.  Or a movie with a witch or guru of some kind that is ridiculed and not trusted.  Or the many messages online or on social media making fun of psychics or spiritual people and things.  Again, I don’t see this much in the lovely world I have created for myself, but I do peek my head out from time to time to this other more conventional world to see what’s still happening out there.

We have a history of hiding our magical selves.  Now this is for men too, but there has been an awful lot of fear of the magical feminine throughout the ages as well.  This comes across in messages like “she’s just got her period” or “women are too emotional” or just the general overall ridicule from some circles about magic and “new age” stuff overall.

I don’t know if y’all remember this, but witches were burned at the stake.  There is so much historical evidence of healers and shamans being ridiculed or not trusted, or in extreme cases just killed.  This history has created conscious and unconscious blocks to us new generation of light workers “coming out of the closet”.

Whether we are aware of it or not, this history of fear has trickled into us, at times getting in the way of us knowing and expressing our truly magical selves. If we don’t feel that it’s safe to connect to our magic, we create all kinds of defense mechanisms to keep ourselves small and disconnected.  These can include: numbing ourselves from our true feelings using TV or drugs or alcohol, staying in a boring job we don’t like, being in relationships that are unfulfilling, and many other things.

Magic has existed before the fear.  There have always been healers, and shamans and seers and intuitives.  At points in history they have been revered and honored for the true power they really have.  At other points, they have been seen as a threat to the status quo.

There is a lot of history and current messaging that the old fear-based power structures are still putting out there. Many people are still unconsciously digesting this whole, without looking beneath the surface for the truth.  That we have always been connected to the universe and capable of multisensory and intuitive abilities beyond what we think is possible.

It has felt terrifying to younger souls who wanted to stay unconscious, to allow and open up to our truly multisensory selves.  It can feel safer to stay comfortably numb, asleep to the bigger universe all around us.  This fear has manifested historically in individual and collective ways to keep us from connecting to the beautiful magnificence that is inside each and every one of us.

Don’t believe the lies.  It is not scary to be magical.  It won’t ruin your life or hurt anyone else.  It won’t make people look at you weird, or lead to anything close to as terrible as it used to for our dear friends in the Salem Witch Trials.  Many of the accused were simply healers or “wise women”, not the dangerous devil worshippers they were portrayed as.

In the earliest centuries of civilizations these wise women were revered and practiced the holiest of rituals.  Many events contributed to the demonization of these healers, such as the rise of a more aggressive warrior culture, as well as new religious teachings demonizing them.  For a time in our history these wise women were associated with the devil, who was seen as the cause of all the terrible things that were happening such as the plague.  At this time the book Malleus Maleficarum was written to diagnose and punish witches, and it was second in popularity to the Bible.  From the 1600-1800’s more than 60,000 people were punished as witches.

I could go on and on here about the history, but the point is this.  All of this fear and hysteria was not founded on anything factual.  This is pretty common for fear based actions, as we know it is just False Evidence Appearing Real.  In order to keep some of the religious and patriarchal structures of the past intact, new forms of consciousness and mysticism have been suppressed historically.

My intention in this writing is to create or expand the spark of awareness you may have already had about your internal magic.  To help you remember your truth as a being of light.  To help you make sense of the imaginary fear that may have gotten in the way of you connecting to and expressing it.  To help you understand more that this fear is not even about you.  It’s big and historical and believed by many.

It is also on its way out!  As we continue to expand into and connect to our intuitive and mystical selves, it helps this old fear collectively diminish.  As we rise up into our divine and magical beings, it continues to assist the rest of the world to do the same.  As we continue connecting to the light of consciousness, the old fear has nowhere to go.  The light erases the dark.

We are all evolving in our consciousness.  As we become more conscious we are more able to choose how we want to evolve.  Do you want to stay small and scared or are you ready to grow and vibrate higher?

Don’t forget your magic!  Don’t let old beliefs of yourself or the world around you make you think it doesn’t exist.  We are all always connected to a beautiful source of loving energy that wants to help us in all ways always.  Trust and surrender, step into your magical power.

Read more about Spiritual Counseling with Shana Olmstead.

Shana Olmstead, Intuitive Consultant

I see my life purpose as helping people to awaken to the truth of their divine nature, the powerful spiritual beings that they are. I have assisted hundreds of clients in my therapy practice to wake up to the understanding that we are all made of source energy, and are here to increase our consciousness and joy to help the evolution everyone on the planet. I am so excited and inspired to continue helping people through their own awakening! Contact me to schedule an appointment in person in Kirkland, Washington ​or for a phone or video consultation wherever you are located.