We don’t have to go live in a monastery or on a mountain top somewhere chanting all day to feel happy and connected. We are needed here. In the real world, at the PTA, in the corporate workplace, and in the mommy groups. We are needed to speak our truth, in the way those around us can hear, in order to continue to assist in the great awakening that is happening on the planet.

While I will always love Costco and Target, and a lot of things about the suburbs actually, I am not satisfied with not being authentic.

Some easy things to remember when awakening to your spirituality in the suburbs are:

1. It’s ok to go slow:
While it’s super exciting to feel the new buzz of awakening, it’s also important to make sure you are doing some internal exploration with yourself, and with people in your life who you already know are doing some of their own internal work and will understand you.
It can be important in the baby awakening phase to build some internal confidence and resiliency in your new perceptions and belief systems before you try and explain them or teach others, even though the draw to do so is strong!

If others aren’t ready yet, and you aren’t confident yet, it can be painful and confusing to deal with what they may project on you due to their own unhealed emotional wounds.

2. Keep being authentic:
Even if the current people in your life don’t all the way understand what you’re talking about, it’s still important to talk about it. In the way you can, as much as you can, and don’t worry if they get it or not.
Let go of expectations. Just understand that you can no longer exist without being authentic, without being true to yourself and without allowing the truth of the universe to flow through you and plant seeds in the souls of those around you. Even if those seeds stay dormant for a few more lifetimes….they are important and they do help even if you can’t see it at the time.

If we don’t share, the people in our lives don’t even have the opportunity to know if they want to keep up. I talk to many people that have undergone a radical transformation in who they are, but the people closest to them have no idea! Sometimes they are even sleeping in the same bed with someone who doesn’t really know who they are anymore.

This just doesn’t work. In order to keep growing, and to know who can grow with you, you have to share.

3. Don’t let others take you off your path:
If you are sharing your new perceptions with others and they don’t get it, it’s not your problem. You don’t have to convince anyone that your beliefs are real or valid. You don’t have to prove or explain yourself to anyone.

Remember that everyone sees their life through their own filter. If there is any negativity or doubt projected onto you, it is about them, not you.

Just continue to tune into your own inner voice, and keep doing what’s right for you on your path of evolution.

4. Find your tribe:
For me, after I kept growing out and away from my mommy suburb friends, I knew my tribe was on the way. I stayed open and connected to the faith that they were coming, and surrounded myself with people that understood and resonated with my new to me, (and ancient) belief systems.
I slowly found people that really got me, and luckily some of my pre awakening tribe kept growing with me as well. And because I kept being open with them about how I was evolving, they were able to really know me, and grow with me in their own way as well.

5. Keep doing your work:
Having an awakening is super exciting. It feels like a giant rush of energy and excitement. It doesn’t go backward and your life is never the same.

At the same time, your work is not done just because you had an awakening. Your internal work of spiritual growth is a forever thing. It just keeps getting better, more beautiful and more delicious and exciting.
And it’s up to you to keep learning, and reading, and practicing and meditating. All-day every day, for you and for the rest of the world and its awakening.

Evolving and bringing your whole beautiful spiritual self out of the closet can feel strange, and exciting, and scary all at the same time. We are all evolving, and the more we can all be bringing the truth into more mainstream awareness, the more we can all continue evolving towards a peaceful, loving, compassionate society.

Read more about Spiritual Counseling with Shana Olmstead.