So, it’s the New Year. Not just New Year this time…. the beginning of a whole new decade! So exciting. This is also coinciding with a super powerful astrological event on January 12th (it hasn’t happened since the year 1518!) that will reward you for stepping into your true potential. This is great energy for getting clear and moving forward on what you want to manifest this year!

This exercise is intended to help and support you on your journey of creating what you want in every aspect of your life. I hope that you find more clarity, confidence, and enthusiasm to move forward on what you want to transform.

My wish for you is to look back over this journaling next year and be amazed and proud of what you have created and how good you feel!

Here is a practice to get started on creating an aligned life. Pull out a beautiful journal, set your intention to bring in magic, ask the universe to support you in manifesting what is in your highest good, set aside some quiet sacred time, and have fun!

1. Always start by getting out of your head and into a high vibration!

It’s so important before doing intention work to be in a really good feeling place. This helps you to be clear that the information is not from fear or over-processing, and it is truly in your highest good.

I would recommend meditating, doing yoga, or saying kind and loving things to yourself for 5 minutes (or all of these!) before starting your practice.

This expands the possibilities you can see for yourself, and your belief in achieving them!

2. Ask yourself, “What in my life is working well?”

Listing things that are going well in any area of your life will help in two ways.

It will continue to keep your vibration high, increasing your sense of gratitude and appreciation for the beautiful things in your life.

It also helps to clarify areas that you don’t need to work on right now, making the areas of growth clearer.

3. Identify areas of your life you’d like to work on this year:

The previous exercise will help you to get clarity on which aspects of your life you’d like to spend some time setting intentions for.

Some examples of this are: Relationships, career, self-care, spirituality, health, family, etc.

4. For each area, start with some questions and write the answers in your journal:

Let’s use career dissatisfaction as an example here:

• “What is working well?” Again, this will keep your vibe high and help with clarity on what needs to change.

Example: “I really like the people I work with and my benefits.”

• “What would I like more of to enhance this area of my life?”

Example: “I would like to feel more fulfilled and have better work/life balance.”

• “Why is this important to me?” Knowing your why is super important to help keep motivated on making the changes you want to make!

Example: “I want to feel like my work is meaningful, and be able to spend more time with my family”

5. Now dream bigger!

It’s hard for most people to understand the amazing potential we all have. We humans have a tendency to think small and limit ourselves. We are not meant to do this!

In order to allow your true potential to come forward, spend some time feeling the energy of what you really, really, really want.

This is not a brain exercise, this is connecting to your emotions, intuition and higher self. Don’t let logic, fear, or the questions, how, what, when or why come into your dreaming about the future.

Continuing from the example above:

Expanding from: “I would like to feel more fulfilled and have better work/life balance.”

Into: “I can’t wait to have the job of my dreams, making a difference to the world and having all the freedom and resources I could imagine!”

Do you feel the difference in the energy between those two statements? The universe wants to support you, the bigger you dream the more you can create!

6. One more question…:

Ask yourself, once you have created this in your life, how will you feel?

Example, once you have the job of your dreams you will feel:

Happy, fulfilled, balanced, free, abundant, etc.….

What would you feel like if you had what you wanted? Spend your time “acting as if” you have the job of your dreams. Cultivating those feelings is what creates it in your reality!

Our subatomic particles create our reality. If you want a new job, your energy field can’t be vibrating the energy of “I don’t think it’s possible to have the job of my dreams.”

Instead practice shifting your energy to tell the universe “The job I want is my birthright, of course, it’s on the way.” Spending time every day feeling this feeling proactively, on purpose, will draw to you energetically what you want.

This can be done by visualizing, affirmations, etc. The most important thing is practicing the feeling of what you want frequently, while also not holding on too tightly to any specific outcome but trusting what is in your highest good is of course on the way.

7. Baby steps:

The universe can’t help us if all we do is meditate, write down our goals, but don’t take any action in the physical world to make them happen.

The next step is to write down 3 baby steps you can take to move forward on your goal.

For the career example:

“In order to manifest the job of my dreams, these are the three baby steps I commit to.”

• Update my resume, have a trusted friend or professional help.
• Schedule 3 informational interviews with people doing the job that I dream of.
• Start looking for jobs online (only when my vibration is high!)

8. Consistently practice and let it go:

The last, but most important step in manifesting, is to let go, trust, have faith, or whatever words you want to put here.

This trust doesn’t mean to not practice, however. It’s finding the balance between trusting that of course, you will create what you want in your life while continuing to make practical steps forward without listening to fear.

Repeat steps 1-7 for any area of your life that you would like to enhance.

This is super helpful for the New Year, and also can be used anytime.

For anything you are working on, it’s helpful to check in with this list at least once a week.

Ask yourself what needs to be changed or updated, celebrate goals that you have achieved (yay!) and add any additional practices to be worked on for the future.

The New Year is coming soon! This is a wonderful time to connect with yourself, find some clarity and get ready to move forward on your goals! You are a powerful being, more than capable of connecting to the universe and allowing it to guide your path to your greatest potential.

Read more about Spiritual Counseling with Shana Olmstead.