One of the first things I suggest to most of the clients I see is a check in.  Simply taking time throughout the day to slow down and create awareness of how you are feeling.

This helps with self-awareness, as well as creating space between a trigger for a negative thought and the activation of an old pattern.  This empowers you to make a different choice in the moment, and to create a new and more healthy way of responding.

This is the foundational work for the next step, the introduction of what I call the Magic Moment.

It starts with the same concept, slowing down, checking in, and noticing what’s happening inside.  No change can happen without self-awareness!

In order to create a permanent shift in vibrational frequency and increase in the consciousness and light that helps humanity, it’s important to practice holding a positive frequency in your own life frequently.

Different schools of thought have different ways of discussing why and how a magic moment helps us feel better.

From a psychological/neurological perspective, the magic moment helps us to change the structure of our brains.  Repetitive negative ways of thinking create neural pathways in our brains.  The more we think a thing, the more likely our brain is to easily go down that neural pathway rut in our brain.

Neuroplasticity research tells us that our brains are plastic and changeable.  That when we bring in mindful awareness of our thoughts and consistently practice changing them that we create new neural pathways, making it easier for our minds to drop into those new and more positive thoughts in the future.

Through a lens of spirituality, the magic moment helps us to slow down and pause to remember that we are all one, that there are no problems, that we are all surrounded by light, love and magic. 

To remind ourselves that all is happening in divine order and the universe/god/source energy always has our back and that life is a journey of expanding our consciousness in order to help assist in the great awakening of humanity.

Energy medicine traditions explain what happens in this magic moment as creating awareness of our energetic vibration.  Using this moment to heighten our vibration, expand our aura and fill ourselves with light.  This helps the lower energetic frequencies shift out of our bodies and magnetize our life with beautiful experiences.



I have ideas about what works for me and my clients for a magic moment but personalizing this magic for every person’s unique energy system is very important.  There is no one size fits all for transformation.

I recommend setting a reminder for yourself and starting to incorporate this at least 3 times a day for 60 seconds. Over time you can do these practices as frequently and for as long as feels good to you!

Here are some examples of a magic moment to experiment with in your own life:

1. Use Neuroplasticity to Hardwire Happiness:

  • Stop what you’re doing and take 3 slow deep breaths.
  • Observe what you are thinking and feeling.
  • Bring to mind something that makes you really happy.  A beautiful flower, your sweet kitty cat, a beach in Hawaii…
  • Neural networks in our brain are strengthened when we create a strong emotion.
  • Focus on visualizing and using all of your senses to hold onto these positive thoughts and feelings for at least 60 seconds.
  • The more frequently you do this, the more new positive neural networks you create in your brain.  This makes it easier for your brain to feel this way in the future.
  • Notice the difference in the way you feel and congratulate yourself on making a positive change in your mental health!

2. Connect to the Universe:

  • Stop what you’re doing, place your hand on your heart and take 3 slow deep breaths.
  • Continue slow deep breathing with your hand on your heart, imagining the love of god/the universe/source energy, surrounding you and filling you with a comforting feeling of love.
  • Repeat the mantra “I am one with the universe, everything is working out for me.”
  • As you increase this practice over time, your feeling of trust in god/the universe continues to grow, helping you feel calmer and happier.
  • Notice the difference in how you feel and thank the universe for your vibrant energy!

3.. Bring in Positive Energy:

  • Stop what you’re doing, place your right hand on your lower belly, and your left hand on your heart.
  • Imagine the crown chakra on the top of your head opening up and flooding your body with beautiful sparkly white light.
  • Feel your feet on the ground, and imagine roots growing from them into the earth.  Visualize and feel those roots bringing healing earth energy into your body.
  • Visualize and feel positive energy flowing into your back, right between your ribs.
  • Consistently incorporating energy practices into your day helps your subatomic particles to run at an elevated positive state the majority of the time.
  • Notice the difference in how you feel and remind yourself that your vibration magnetizes your life.  The higher and more positive your energy in your body, the more magical your life will be!


These are some ideas for you, I also encourage you to experiment for yourself.  The goal is to remind your energy system, as frequently as possible that you are an amazing piece of divine energy, able to transcend any perceived problems.  You are magic!