As an old soul, you already know so much about loving others. You understand that everyone is doing the best they can, and you have compassion for most everyone. You know that humans are flawed and wounded, and judging others only comes from our own wounds and insecurities.

As an old soul, you already know so much about helping others. You deeply feel others’ pain, and it hurts you as well. You want to prevent others from experiencing hurt that you may have experienced in this lifetime or others in your past. You understand the bigger picture, and can often understand what may be helpful for someone else even more than they do. 

As an old soul, you are more sensitive than many people. You have been through so many experiences in your multiple lifetimes, and now have an unlimited understanding of the depth of the human experience.

As an old soul, you crave peace and harmony. You have been through so many things and have a deep wisdom inside of you. You understand that we are all evolving towards a more conscious, peaceful, and harmonious world, and want to be a part of this evolution. It is uncomfortable for you to be around chaos, conflict and disharmony.

As an old soul, you are working on loving yourself as much as you do others, this is your self love evolution.


self love joy image


You were born with the love for others, the sensitivity and the inner light of consciousness. You may have had other experiences in your life that have helped you to heighten this, but it has always been there.

You were not born with unconditional self love, however. This is something that you, as a sensitive, empathic, old soul chose to work on in this incarnation.

You chose to come here, during this time on the planet, to experience joy, and to help the consciousness and energy frequency of the planet expand.

The more you understand this, and appreciate yourself, the more joy, love and light you can bring to the rest of humanity.

Understanding that you are a being of light—as we all are—and loving yourself deeply for this, helps your energy to glow and expand.

This makes you an energetic lighthouse to others on the path. 

Whether they are conscious of it or not, they will be drawn to you and will allow themselves more permission to shine and glow and expand as well!

Growing in your self love is not just for you and your evolution, it helps all of us.

For you, allowing yourself to feel immense self love helps you to make more positive choices for yourself, and live the life that you came here to live.

One way to start, before you make any choice is to ask yourself, how will this help my self love evolution?


Here are some examples:


You are with friends, they are pressuring you to have another glass of wine. You already had one and are feeling satisfied, but don’t want to deal with their pressure and judgment. You could……

  • Have a second glass of wine to keep the peace 
  • Politely decline and feel more in alignment with yourself


What choice will help your self love evolution?

As a sensitive, empathic person, making the choice that is more authentic to yourself may feel more uncomfortable, but is the way to let your soul know that you honor and love it—and want to help it evolve.


You want to move to a new state to have a fresh start, but your family is pressuring you to stay closer to home. You feel guilty and want to stay close to your family, but feel drawn to explore as well. You could…..

  • Stay close to home to make your family happy
  • Follow your intuition and explore a new area


What choice will help your self love evolution?

You will always feel compassion for your family and their feelings of wanting you to stay, you will feel this deeply in your body. In order to expand and evolve in your self love, it’s necessary to follow your own personal intuition because it will always lead you down the path of your highest potential.


You are in a job that’s not fulfilling, the people you work with are always stressed, and the culture is to work at least 70 hours a week. You have a dream to work in a different field, but are scared and feel “secure” in your current position. You could….

  • Stay plugging along in your current position
  • Start exploring other, more fulfilling opportunities in a different field


What choice will help your self love evolution?

Your soul did not choose to come here to feel ho-hum about your job or your life. In order for your self love to evolve, it’s time to explore moving into areas that you will feel more fulfilled in.

Keeping the question “how will this help my self love evolution?” in mind as you go through your life, and days, will help you to continue to evolve. In every moment, making the conscious choice to love yourself helps you to grow into your highest potential, and inspire those around you to do the same!