Spiritual Life Coaching

Are You In Search Of A Higher Purpose?


Have you reached a point in life where you feel as though something is missing? Despite appearing as though you have everything together, do you sense a spiritual void within? Are you looking for ways to expand your connection with your intuition and inner wisdom?

Perhaps you have been told throughout your life that you are “overly sensitive” or consider yourself to be an old soul. As someone with an abundance of empathy, maybe you put the needs of others ahead of your own or struggle to maintain healthy boundaries. Although your intentions are well-meaning, focusing your energy on others rather than yourself could be harmful.

Man with the sunset behind him

Not Living Authentically Could Lead To Emotional Burnout

As much as you wish you could live authentically and speak your truth, you might be stuck in a job that makes you miserable or a relationship that, deep down, you know isn’t right for you. You might be thinking about exploring your spirituality but perhaps you feel self-conscious and aren’t comfortable sharing your decision with those around you.Without cultivating an abiding trust in your intuition and getting in touch with something bigger than yourself, you might feel burnt out, anxious, and disconnected. 

If you feel like an important piece of the puzzle is missing and you’re curious to find out what it is, spiritual life coaching can help guide you along your path to discover your life purpose. By forging a deeper connection with spirit, embracing your sensitivity, and learning how to listen to your intuition, spiritually empowered coaching can help you begin to live authentically as the wise old soul that you are.

Highly Sensitive People Are Often People Pleasers By Nature

According to a study conducted by the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI), “20 percent of people are highly sensitive.” [1] As described by clinical psychologist Dr. Elaine Aron, the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) trait “makes people more aware of subtleties around them. Because they tend to process information more deeply than others, an HSP has more empathy and can be overstimulated more easily.” [2]

As HSPs, we easily pick up the energy of others, which often leads to people-pleasing behaviors that prevent us from setting healthy boundaries, engaging in self-care, and speaking up for ourselves. With a naturally empathetic nature, we often think about others to a fault, neglecting our own needs in the process. These codependent tendencies leave us more prone to emotional exhaustion, overstimulation, and burnout. Unsurprisingly, we often feel more at peace when we are alone.

As HSP, We Crave A Spiritual Connection

In addition to people-pleasing tendencies, HSPs are usually more spiritually sensitive. We are more likely to be intuitive, even though we might not have learned how to trust that intuition yet. Oftentimes, sensitive people crave a spiritual connection we haven’t yet found.lotus flower in the pond

Feeling things deeply means that we are affected by what happens around us, both on the micro and macro levels. While others seem to be able to brush things off more quickly, we tend to take longer to recover. In a world that values extroverted behavior, we often feel overlooked, underappreciated, misunderstood, and isolated despite the many gifts we possess.  

Working with an intuitive life coach can help you tap into your spiritual side and find the connection with something greater than yourself you’ve been looking for. In spiritual life coaching, you can discover more about who you are energetically, unlocking the potential to live a more purposeful, fulfilling life. 

Life Coaching Can Reveal Your Spiritual Connection

When you’re not living au

thentically, you might consider taking a vacation or going on antidepressants to address the dissatisfaction you’re feeling. However, these superficial fixes won’t address the deeper issue at the root of your discontent. Spiritually empowered coaching is a safe space to identify what has been missing in your life and, by turning your attention inward, nurture your intuitive gifts and kindle a spiritual connection.

As an intuitive spiritual life coach, I will help you gain deeper clarity about your soul’s purpose while cultivating more self-compassion and self-love. By learning spiritual practices in coaching, such as journaling, meditation, mindfulness, and guided visualizations, you will develop helpful tools to tap into your intuition. Trusting and following your intuition allows you to make positive changes that will benefit your well-being. 

What To Expect In Spirituality Coaching Sessions

We will identify the challenges that prevent you from moving forward and evolving in the ways you would like. With my background as a therapist, I will challenge you on patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serve you. By assigning homework between sessions—such as holding a boundary or speaking your truth to others—I will provide you with the accountability required to embrace who you are and live more authentically.

As your true self begins to emerge, you may feel as though no one in your life understands you anymore. In life coaching, I will help you find your spiritual tribe, perhaps through Meet Ups or by attending a yoga class, group meditation, or sound bath. By connecting mind, body, and spirit, these practices will also nourish your soul. In addition to fostering spiritual wellness, as your coach, I will also assess your physical and psychological health, ensuring that we take a holistic approach in our coaching sessions.  

Spiritual Life Coaching Uses Intuition To Guide The Process

Intuition—both mine and yours—is a guiding principle of spiritual life coaching. Not only will I show you how to calm your nervous system to create space for your intuition to flow 

moon int eh distance with a treethrough, but I will also draw from my own intuition to offer ideas and recommendations that will resonate with you, including books and other resources.

My approach is different because I bring spirituality, energetic work, and intuitive coaching into sessions. By sharpening your skill set in different ways, you will gain somatic, energetic, and spiritual awareness. For example, practicing mindfulness can help you identify where you hold tension in your body when you areanxious. And spiritual practices will help nurture your sense of being guided and loved by something greater than yourself.

Helping you recognize your inner wisdom and infinite potential is my highest honor and joy. By guiding you to develop a spiritual connection, you can integrate it into your daily routine, ensuring that you will live each day more purposefully.

But Maybe You Still Wonder Whether Spiritual Life Coaching Will Be Right For You…

Does working with a spiritual life coach make sense if I don’t consider myself to be a spiritual person?

Everyone is wired for connection—not only with each other but also to something bigger than ourselves. Tapping into your spiritual side in life coaching can help you feel less anxious, more purposeful, and deeply connected with the world around you. By learning how to follow your intuition and trust your inner wisdom, spiritual intuitive coaching allows you to discover who you are meant to be.

I don’t consider being highly sensitive to be a gift. How will spiritual life coaching help me?

Research estimates that 15-20 percent of the population is highly sensitive. [3] If you are one of these people, you should consider yourself lucky. You possess gifts that not only make you more empathetic but also more highly attuned to the spiritual realm. Embracing your gifts with spirituality coaching can help you develop self-compassion, lower your anxiety, and connect more deeply with others. 

How is working with a personal spiritual life coach relevant to the problems I face in life? 

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery that incorporates spiritual introspection can help you handle life’s challenges. In spiritual life coaching sessions, we will examine the issues that are causing you difficulty and identify how intuitive and energetic approaches may be beneficial in helping you find meaning and cope with adversity. 

It’s Time To Speak Your Truth

By trusting your intuition, you will realize there is so much more to discover. To find out more about online spiritual life coaching with me, please visit my contact page to schedule an appointment.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4086365/ 

[2] https://hsperson.com/  

[3] https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/highly-sensitive-person


I’ve been seeing Shana for almost three years now and it’s difficult to describe the impact she’s had on my life. I’ve grown so much emotionally and have tackled some of the most challenging obstacles I have ever faced and could not have done it without her guidance and support. The relationships I have with friends and family are so much stronger and richer because of the insights she’s provided. I look forward to my sessions ever month because she’s honestly a joy to speak to. My only wish is that I would have started seeing her sooner. – Alex
It’s hard for me to even articulate what an impact in meeting Shana Olmstead has done for me.   The safe space she has provided for me in the last year, has challenged me to love bigger, live larger, stretch beyond my comfort zone, and be more authentic to myself and in relationships close to me.   I’m not even sure why I really sought out counseling, as asking for help is something I struggle with.  However, the weight of being stuck was greater than the fear of being vulnerable, and I knew deep down that I would never be happy just doing the status quo.  Meeting Shana has helped me uncover some of those roadblocks, as well as help me through one of the most difficult years in my life with grief and unanticipated transitions.   I feel challenged, encouraged and supported in each meeting with her, and for that I’m forever grateful!   I do know that I still have work to do…. but I welcome the opportunities ahead knowing that I have someone like Shana in my corner to push me to look at things with other lenses and to be my best self. – Lisa M.