Staring at the clock, waiting for work to be over.  Feeling trapped and bored and flat.  Spinning and spinning in your head about all the problems, all the time.

We can get so caught up in “reality”.  Obsessing about problems, or conversations, or work issues, etc.

And when we’re not stuck in this problem energy, it’s easy to slip back down to the practical rhythms of life.  Eat, sleep, work, repeat.

While all of this is ok, I believe we are meant to infuse the “problems” and monotony of life with magic.

We are meant to feel energy, and move through life connected spiritually, with the understanding that there is something more, something larger than us at work.

One of the themes that I work with people on the most is how to blend the magical with the practical.

Of course, I know it’s important to pay your bills, maintain relationships, and function in the world.  I also believe that the foundation for doing all of those things and more in a balanced and joyful way is to remember the magic.

If this high vibrational energy is flowing through you all of the time, it changes everything.

It helps you make better and more aligned decisions for your life.  It reduces anxiety and depression and helps you to bring a calm presence to your life.  It helps you to create the kind of life that you want and feel good along the way.

Here are some of the ways that work for me and the people I work with to bring magical energy into the practical aspects of your life:

1. Start at the Start of the Day:

Plug into source when you wake up.

Make sure you connect in with yourself and the Universe before you do anything else in the morning.

Immediately after waking your brain is in the alpha state, and your subconscious is primed to remember the truth of who you really are, a spiritually connected being.

Practicing meditation, yoga, affirmations, mantras and other forms of spiritual practice first thing in the morning will help you to bring magical energy into the rest of the activities of your day.

2. Try a Rampage While You Wash the Dishes:

One way to really shift your vibration and bring in the magical quickly is to try a rampage of appreciation, while you do something you need to do anyway.

This practice comes from Abraham Hicks, and the form I like the most is to preferably look out the window, and speak out loud to God, or the Universe, or your angels, or whatever your belief system supports.

Repeat over and over for 3-5 minutes statements like “thank you for loving me,” “thank you for energizing me,” “thank you for reminding me of my magic” “thank you for aligning me,” etc.

Feel the magical energy infusing into your body and remember that you are more than the activity you are doing at the time.  More than the dishes, or the laundry, or the cleaning, etc.…you are magical!

I used to do this on the way to my office in the morning, but since I work at home now, I do this when I cook my breakfast in the morning now. 

You can do this anytime, anywhere.  Out loud is preferred, but if that is impossible, repeat the rampage internally.

3. Shift Your Focus:

Practice looking for the magical in your everyday life, instead of focusing on the mundane.

As you start setting the intention to become aware of more synchronicities and signs, they do become clearer to you.

As you relax your thinking mind, and tune into the more subtle energy that is always around us, your life automatically feels more magical.

Try asking the Universe a question, surrendering, practicing presence, and observing the answer in the form of subtle energy and signs.

There is spiritual enlightenment communication around you all the time, just waiting for you to notice and jump into the flow.  You are a beautiful collection of energy, meant to use your senses and your multisensory intuition to guide your life. 

That whisper from a friend, guiding you towards a seemingly impossible goal, that billboard on your way to work with the name of the person you need to call, the small voice inside guiding you to study something that you have never heard of before.

The more you practice, the easier this gets.  The more you tune into the signs, the more fun and magical your life will continue to feel.

There are so many ways to have more magical fun while you do practical things.  Take breaks throughout your day to remind yourself of the bigger picture, surround yourself with reminders of your spiritual essence, talk to those who remind you of your spiritual truth.

You were born of magic, and you deserve to infuse this memory into your everyday life!

Read more about Anxiety Treatment with Shana Olmstead.