Feel it to Heal it

Feel it to Heal it

It can be so much easier to not allow ourselves to feel than to feel our feelings. Especially uncomfortable or difficult emotions.  It’s so much easier to numb out, or stay in frustration, or distraction, or business. Why would we want to feel things that don’t feel...
How to Trust

How to Trust

  I’ve heard often in my work different versions of people not trusting others.  It can sound like “I just like to be alone” or “I was hurt in the past, so I know people will just disappoint me.” This can develop for valid reasons that I can understand, like...
How to Understand Yourself

How to Understand Yourself

She was scared to go places by herself, to speak her mind, and to wear the unique styles that really express her personality.  She was scared to tell people in her life who she really was, and what she wanted for her life.  She was stuck in a cycle of anxiety and...
Creating Your Own Happiness

Creating Your Own Happiness

Sooo, I may be writing all of my blogs about my sweet new dog Rosie from now on.  Ok not really, but still feeling pretty excited/obsessed with her. I had an insight this week about some of the reasons that our energies are so aligned, and why some other dogs just...
How to Listen to Your Body

How to Listen to Your Body

She’s so nice.  Like most of the people I work with.  So nice, and compassionate and nurturing.  While this is wonderful, when it turns into too much self-sacrifice it can be a problem. She likes her job and her coworkers, and even though she didn’t want to work as...