“I’m not afraid….I was born to do this.”

~Joan of Arc

So, as I’m writing this it is October of 2020.  We will look back at this time in history and wonder how we survived.  There’s a lot going on y’all!

It’s so important during this time to make sure we are keeping our energy high and balanced.  We are capable of this, we are in charge of this, and we are made for this!

We all decided to be here.  Right now.  It’s not an accident, and we are not being punished.  We are being called to step more fully into our magnificent light.  The world needs all of us to follow our energy and insight, and to hold onto the hope that this crazy ride we are on is all for our collective awakening.

We are struggling right now.  We are going through the birth canal, and it’s painful! Everything feels stressful and hard, and dark. We are worried about the virus, and the election, and school and work and all the other regular parts of life that were already bringing stress before
the world changed.

How is it possible to make it through this with a sense of peace and balance?  Is it possible?  Do we have to hide in a cave or isolate completely in order to remain calm?

Ummmm, I don’t think so.  I believe it’s possible to live in the world, while also remembering that there’s something bigger than us.  To remain informed of world events, while also understanding that none of it is real, and perceived problems are an illusion.  To stay connected, while also filling our energetic systems with so much light, it’s easy and feels good to spread that light out to the world.

We can’t let ourselves sink into the weight of hopelessness right now.  It’s so important to let ourselves grieve, and cry, and feel all the feelings about the losses that are happening.  Take care of your emotions, nurture your feelings.

Just don’t let yourself get stuck. WWRBDGD?  What would RBG do?  Let’s allow her legacy of positivity and hopefulness propel us forward.  Let’s all remind ourselves that we were born for this.  

Here are some ways to stay balanced, calm and hopeful during this election/Covid season and after:


1. Bring it on!:

Welcome all that is happening as an AFGO, another fu$%ing growth opportunity.

Everything is always here to help us grow.  The sooner we can accept and welcome in whatever is happening, the sooner we can feel more

Discomfort of any kind comes from being out of alignment with the truth, from resisting reality.

Instead of :“Why does hard stuff keep happening?” 

Try: “How is this helping me to grow?”


2. Check Your Diet:

I’m talking about your energetic diet.

Right now, especially, it’s so important to make sure you are taking in positive energy.

Not too much news, or negativity of any kind.

You probably know what’s happening.  You probably don’t need to check in 20 times a day to remind yourself of the things you already know.

Try setting limits for yourself for apps or technology that bring you out of alignment, or set limits in your phone settings to help you break the habit, cuz it can be hard!!


3. Remember Your Purpose:

If you are reading this, you are most likely a sensitive, empathic person.  

This generally means you also have healing energy and like to help people.

You were born to heal yourself and help to heal others.  This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be a doctor, or any other kind of healing profession unless that sounds fun to you.

It does mean that unless you are able to help others in some capacity, you probably won’t feel happy or fulfilled in this lifetime.

I’m not talking about self-sacrifice, or people pleasing.  I’m talking about filling yourself up first, with light and loving energy, so that you can be a channel of light for others.

Take care of yourself, and then, instead of sitting and spinning in fear, reach out and help someone else.

Focusing on increasing connection and raising the vibration of the planet feels so good to empaths, it helps us take the focus off worrying about ourselves and the world and be in the moment.


4. Design Your Bubble:

Some of us during this time have developed a quarantine bubble.  People and places that feel safer than the rest of the world does right now.

This can be a beautiful opportunity to create and maintain the kind of bubble you want, whether there is a pandemic happening or not!

Who is in your bubble?  Does your energy feel good around them?

What is in your bubble?  Do the places and things you surround yourself with help you feel good?

How is your own personal energetic bubble?  How are you maintaining and filling your own energy bubble with light?

You are in charge of your own bubble and always have been.  Take this opportunity to make it as beautiful and sparkly as you want!

Now it’s more important to do our best to allow our grief, and anger, and frustration to flow through us.  Feel it, take care of yourself, and then get to work coming back into balance.

You can maintain your energy right now and help others.  We need your light now more than ever!

Read more about Anxiety Treatment with Shana Olmstead.