Do you remember when your parents used to tell you to “watch your language” when you were a kid? Back then it was probably about speaking kindly, or not talking back, or the use of words they didn’t think was appropriate.

Well guess what, it’s still a good idea to watch your language!  While undergoing the work of transformation, one of the most common things that I work with clients on is their language.  So many times I notice a client speaking unkindly about themselves or speaking about a limiting belief that is holding them back in their lives.

While I am able to point this out to them in session, I know that this is just the tip of the iceberg.  If they are letting these statements slip out in our work together, this helps me know that there are so many internal thoughts that are not spoken yet, but are unconsciously running their life.

Our words are our wands.  They are powerful co-creators of our reality.  The words we use in our thoughts and in speaking to others are paving the way for our life experiences.

Most often, our subconscious programming in childhood is responsible for any negative or limiting language that we use. This is nobody’s fault, everyone is doing their best.  However, even the most well-meaning parents teach their children how to think and speak according to their own unprocessed wounds and emotions.

If your parent told you that you were lazy or selfish, or even if they spoke that way about themselves, you subconsciously learn to use the same language about yourself.  If this is the way you feel about yourself subconsciously, even if another part of you knows that isn’t true, your language and life will continue to reflect this reality to you.

This will result in thoughts like “I’m so lazy, I won’t be able to finish” or “I have to do all the things for everyone all the time or else I am selfish”.  This makes it impossible to move forward on things in your life that are in your highest good.  It keeps you stuck, unable to move forward, and feeling bad about yourself.

These words may be just in your head, or you may also be in the habit of expressing yourself in this way to other people as well.  The throat chakra is a very powerful vortex, it sends energy to our divine plan.  When you speak about your perceived flaws or weaknesses, you are strengthening that patterning within yourself.  You are creating a stronger and stronger web that keeps you locked in to a limited version of reality.

Your higher self wants you to grow and evolve and expand!  It wants your light to shine and create magic for yourself and your world.  It wants you to know that you are powerful beyond measure.  The cute little ego is a little scared of that.  It would rather you stay scared and safe and tries to keep you that way by scaring the heck out of you with this limiting language.

If you can begin to create some awareness about when your mind is scaring you, you can begin the process of aligning your internal and external language to that of your higher self.  You will begin to sense the difference in energy when you are calling yourself lazy vs. when you are more gently nurturing to yourself.

The language of “I am lazy” is a low vibration fear based way of thinking.  The meaning is, I’m not good enough.  I should be doing more.  I am not doing enough.  Forgive yourself for having this pattern inside of you, and gently begin reminding yourself of the ways it is not true.

What is some evidence you have of not being lazy?  Even getting up every morning is a great example.  The more you can begin focusing on the ways that you are not lazy, and proactively shifting your language internally, the less and less lazy you will feel.

This will shift your momentum more and more into a non-lazy direction, making it even easier to think and speak about yourself in a non-lazy kind of way.  Practicing new thoughts like “What if I am relaxed and balanced?”  And “I am more and more energized every day” will continue you moving in the right direction.

It’s ok to not be the most accomplished person in the world.  You don’t even really need to change anything at all.  Just changing the way you think and speak about yourself changes everything.  What if instead of being lazy you are actually a calm, peaceful person who gets everything done that needs to get done, and doesn’t push it too hard?

When speaking to others it’s also important to focus on speaking about what you want, not what you don’t want.  Rather than retelling the same story about how you don’t get anything done because you are tired or lazy, start telling a new story.  Tell a new story about how you folded all the laundry today instead of procrastinating.  Tell a new story about how you are going to be more positive in your language from now on.  Just focusing on the one or two small ways that you are shifting your story about being a lazy person will help it grow.

This is just one example of the power of language in our lives.  There are so many ways we can be working on the awareness of the words we use and shifting them into alignment with what we want.  Who do you want to be?  Speak about that, not about the limitations you perceive right now.

Speak your amazing future self into existence…they are right there waiting for you!

Read more about Relationship Issues with Shana Olmstead.

Shana Olmstead, Intuitive Consultant

I see my life purpose as helping people to awaken to the truth of their divine nature, the powerful spiritual beings that they are. I have assisted hundreds of clients in my therapy practice to wake up to the understanding that we are all made of source energy, and are here to increase our consciousness and joy to help the evolution everyone on the planet. I am so excited and inspired to continue helping people through their own awakening! Contact me to schedule an appointment in person in Kirkland, Washington ​or for a phone or video consultation wherever you are located.