Our brains are amazingly powerful, and energy is everything.  We are in charge of our energy, and we can manage our minds to help our energy expand and expand and expand!

I was reminded of this beautiful power during a conversation with my aunt recently.  I’ve always admired her for lots of reasons, but one is her amazing gift as a compassionate teacher.

She told me about a recent conversation she had with a student on the autism spectrum.  He’s having a harder time than many people adjusting to the weirdness of the world the way it is right now.  Struggling to find a moment of peace and calm amidst all the chaos and stress that he can feel so thick in the air.

She said they were talking about how to find a still quiet place inside.  He struggled a lot to find even a minute of time throughout his days and life that he feels ok.  As they talked through things, however, my aunt discovered that his family breeds dogs and there are often a lot of dogs (and puppies) around.

He described that the closest he gets to feeling peace is when one of the “precious puppies” (his word) falls asleep in his lap.

This hit me like a lightning bold as such a powerful example of using our minds and senses to tap into a different energetic vibration.  I instantly felt the energy of the puppy falling asleep in my lap as well!  

As I felt into the energy of the puppy falling asleep in my lap, while driving in my car, two states away from this little boy and his precious puppy, it was very clear that this energy is always available, at any time, even without a physical puppy in my lap or yours!

Our bodies can’t tell the difference if an event is happening in real time or not.  Like I said, our minds are so powerful and amazing!  Therefore, we can recreate this super amazing feeling of a puppy falling asleep on our laps any time we want to feel a little more peaceful.

There are so many ways to describe this shift, using spiritual, or psychological, or scientific terms.  

When this boy feels the precious puppy relax and sink into him, in spiritual language, he allows his own energy to relax Cute beige puppy looking down while sitting in the green grass.and connect more to the universal source energy that knows everything is always ok.  The puppy helps him to feel the unconditional love of the universe through the love of the puppy.

Through psychological terms, as he is able to be more in the present moment with his puppy, his mind reduces it’s anxious thinking and moves more into calming and peaceful thoughts.

Using a scientific lens, the puppy melting into his lap helps the boys nervous system regulate.  He moves from the fight or flight response of the sympathetic nervous system, into the rest and digest system of the parasympathetic nervous system.

He is able to shift his energy, if even for a moment and connect to the stillness that is always there, but often so hard to find for all of us!

Here are a couple of tips on how to create and connect to your own sweet puppy!


1. Create a Relationship with Your Precious Puppy:

In order to make it easy to bring in the puppy when you are stressed, it’s important to practice when you are feeling calm/neutral already.

Take some deep breaths, close your eyes and imagine the sweetest, cutest, most peaceful little puppy you can imagine,

What color are its eyes?  How soft are its sweet little ears?  How does it feel to snuggle this little cutie pie?

Use all of your senses to cultivate a feeling of this puppy that you can call on during more stressful times.

2. Proactively Invite in the Precious Puppy:

Once you’ve created a relationship with the sweet puppy, practice inviting it into your life when you are just chilling.

See how it feels to practice playing with it, snuggling with it, and letting it fall asleep in your lap. Synchronize your breath with the puppy and feel the harmonious energy exchange harmonize the energetic vibration in your body.

Feel the loving energy the puppy is sending you.

3. Bring in the Puppy When You Want Some Peace:

Now that you’ve had some practice, notice when your body is starting to be triggered by stress and practice bringing in the precious energy of the puppy.

Close your eyes, use all of your senses, and feel the puppy in your lap.  Pet it’s soft fur, feel its breathing slow as it gently falls into sleep.

Feel your nervous system relax, your breathing calm, and your energy expand.

This precious puppy loves you so much and wants to remind you that all is well.  That you are loved beyond measure, and that you are one with the Universe.

This is just one example of ways to bring in energetic practices into your life to shift your frequency.  I wish you fun in your practices, you are so powerful!

Read more about Anxiety Treatment with Shana Olmstead.