Sooo, I may be writing all of my blogs about my sweet new dog Rosie from now on.  Ok not really, but still feeling pretty excited/obsessed with her.

I had an insight this week about some of the reasons that our energies are so aligned, and why some other dogs just don’t feel the same to me.

She is such a sweet little thing, and she is always smiling, happy and bouncing.  She has the ability to create her own happy little
energy system.  I can help enhance this for her of course, giving her a very comfortable environment, lots of love, a healthy diet, etc., but the positive energy she generates is all her.

We can enhance each other, but we don’t need each other.  The people, and environments that I choose to spend most of my time with and in are high vibration, peaceful, and enhance my energy.

It’s no longer comfortable for me to try to help and fix others or hang out in places or with beings that lower my frequency.  Of course, I can do this when necessary, and am able to keep my vibration high because of all the light I’m able to bring in the rest of the time.

I have realized, even with animals, it’s so important for me right now in my life to spend time with others (animal and human:) that realize that they are their own energetic systems, in charge of creating their own happiness.  

They have come to the point of taking responsibility for their own feelings, understand that they are not a victim, and work on maintaining their own energetic frequency so that they can support themselves and have enough energy left over to support me as well.

I know I’m not alone in this.  Many sensitive empathic people are drawn to take care of others before they realize that they also deserve to be taken care of as well.  

As you continue to evolve, love yourself more, and gain in consciousness, you understand that you are in charge of your own happiness.  

As this becomes clearer, over time it becomes more apparent (and annoying) to spend much time with beings that don’t do this for themselves as well.  It drains your energy, and it’s important now more than ever to enhance your energy for yourself, and to be able to share with others!

Once you start noticing these signs, you can make sure to create more distance from people that drain you and work hard to keep your energy high when it’s necessary to spend time with them.

The more you are aware of this dynamic in your life, the more energy and happiness you will maintain for yourself and those in your life.


Some ways that you can tell if people in your life are able to maintain their own energy systems, and have enough to give back to you are:



1. They always “need” something:


They may call or text way too often for you, but you feel bad as an empathic person and want to help.


The relationship feels out of balance, but you always tell yourself that they need you and would be sad or angry if you stopped helping them.


2. They often complain/are negative:


This can be a sign that they are stuck in a victim consciousness, which is a very low frequency.


Until we realize that we are responsible for our own lives, energy, and happiness, it can be difficult to maintain our own energetic systems at a high level.


3. You feel drained after spending time with them:


As you become happier and your energy elevates, it becomes clearer the drop in energy that you may experience after spending time with someone who can’t maintain their own energy.


Your energy doesn’t lie, so don’t lie to yourself about how you feel around someone, even if they are close to you.  


4. You don’t feel drawn to spend time with them/resistant:


This can be a sign that they bring your energy down.  Take some time and get clear with yourself on the feelings.  


Do some journaling about your resistance to hanging out with them, and if they have some of these signs, be honest with yourself about the way you want to continue the relationship, or not.


I know it’s not always possible to completely change relationships with people (or animals) once you realize they can’t maintain their own energy.  And that’s ok.

You don’t need to cut them off, just the awareness is helpful.  It can help you create boundaries, take care of your own energy, and make aligned, high frequency choices for the beings you want to spend time with in the future!


Read more about Anxiety Treatment with Shana Olmstead.