We are all meant to feel at peace, joyful, and expansive.  We are meant to understand that we are all one, we are all connected, and that there is a rhythm and meaning to life.

When we don’t have a sense of these feelings, we can blame it on all kinds of things: our dumb boyfriend, a chemical imbalance creating depression, needing a new car, etc.…many times, however, this lack of feeling good is a lack of spiritual connection.

When we are connected spiritually, to that feeling of something bigger
than us, we have that peaceful, blissful feeling that all is well.

This is a felt experience, there are almost no words to describe it, but you know it when you feel it.  People often report feeling this in nature, surrounded by ancient redwoods, standing on a mountain top, or seeing the ocean for the very first time.

A feeling of awe, of wonder, of the boundaries between you and the world dissolving and becoming a piece of all that is.

This incredible feeling is not just an imaginary, esoteric feeling.  There is research showing us that there are specific brain regions involved in this feeling, and that there are ways to help ourselves connect to this feeling on purpose, instead of just accidentally falling into this amazingness when we least expect it.

One of these regions is the parietal lobe.  Brain scan research is showing us that this is a region of the brain that holds us as an individual, separate from others.  

Research is showing that in people with a strong personal spiritual connection, high frequency alpha waves are produced in this region of the brain.  This reduces the feeling of separation and is the wavelength of the oneness of all life.

This wavelength has also been found in the brains of meditating monks and is jump started for people on SSRI medications.  It is also found in nature!

It has also been shown that people that are more sensitive to depression, are especially capable of feeling this sensitivity to spiritual connection and will feel it even more strongly after a major depression.

Depression or anxiety can be a call on a deep level to connect to a deep personal spiritual connection. When we develop a meditation practice, connect with nature, and have our own personal spiritual connection, we have a full toolbox in the fight against depression or anxiety.

A personal spiritual connection doesn’t mean going to church or following “God’s rules”.  It means a personal sense of connection with something bigger than yourself.

The sensitive people that I work with, and myself, feel everything more deeply, and when we can connect to this feeling of connection with all there is, things feel better, they make more sense, life is more rich, magical, and connected.

Spirituality is a no negative side effects, natural way to decrease depression and anxiety, and to connect to your deeper wisdom to lead a more fulfilled life.  You, as a sensitive being, are even more capable of tapping into this beautiful feeling.


Some easy ways to practice your own personal spiritual connection, so you can tap into this unlimited antidepressant are:


beautiful landscape of water


1. Acknowledge that this is your birthright:


You are born for spiritual connection.  This doesn’t mean religion.  Practicing being open to something larger than yourself “I am open to feeling more spiritually connected every day.”


2. Define it for Yourself:


Especially for those who have a negative history with religion: spirituality is yours, nobody else gets to define what it looks like for you.  Explore, read, do practices, take classes.  Follow your intuition to your own version of feeling connected. “My spirituality is my own.”


3. Let Nature Help:


Those high frequency alpha waves produced in meditation are also in nature.  Spend time in nature, imagine these high frequency alpha waves from the trees connecting with your frequency, helping you feel calm and connected. “I allow the healing energy of nature to energize me.”


4. Look For Synchronicities:


Create presence and awareness of the signs and synchronicities in your life.  Acknowledge them when they happen as signs that you are becoming more and more spiritually connected.  “I am so excited about the magic I see around me every day!”


Learn more about Spiritual Counseling with Shana Olmstead.