meditating woman

A reawakening moment.  It’s such a beautiful feeling. You know those moments when you remember that everything is a miracle?  And that life is beautiful and lovely and magical and here to help us learn and grow?

We’ve all been through so much the last two years, and it’s hard to even recognize that until a little energetic boost happens sometimes.  That contrast is there to remind us of the truth.  That even though it’s been
hard, and stressful, and uncomfortable, we all chose all of this to help us evolve as souls.

This understanding: of the connection to universal source energy, to divine love, to the consciousness that makes up all that is, is the energy that allow us to stay inspired.  It is the energy of reawakening.

My spiritual awakening was in 2004. I had a huge download of spiritual
truth (after doing a year of my own internal work and going through a very difficult personal time.) I felt an amazing rush of energy constantly through my body, and I had a deep understanding of the bigger picture of the spiritual truth that helped everything make sense to me.

Over time the rememberings of this feeling are always with me. It forever changed the way I see the world and how I feel.  It is the Woman looking through a heart shaped look out overlooking a red and blue tinted mountain horizon. background of my existence.

For me and others I work with who understand the experience of
spiritual awakening, while this is always there, it can dip in and out of the forefront of our awareness.

We get busy, and stressed, and let that euphoric, blissful feeling of connection with all that is fade just a bit. We get back into fear, and worry, and confusion, and overwhelm.  We forget to stay plugged into the Universe.

I’ve been snowed in this Christmas break.  I had to change plans, and it took a couple of days to let go of resistance and really settle into the space and quiet that was gifted to me.

Once I was able to let go, and practice acceptance and presence, it has allowed me to have enough space to come back to that feeling of spaciousness and bliss.  Of the truth that if we are just present, we can connect to the divine.

Moments of reawakening are what’s required.  To tap into the frequency of love, of light, of the truth.


How do we reawaken in every moment?  Here are some ways to experiment with for yourself:




1. Slow Down:


This seems obvious, but until we feel the contrast with our everyday life it’s hard to remember how good it feels, and how important it is to slow down.


Some ways to practice slowing down: 

  • Extend your shower just a bit longer than normal, really feel the sensation of the water.  
  • Take a slower, more mindful walk than normal (like the ice and snow is forcing me to do right now).
  • Pretend you are an animal (guess what, you are!) and practice hibernating when you are able to, now is the time to slow down and go inward.

Notice and appreciate when you allow yourself the gift of slowing down, this helps to reinforce the neural pathways associated with this experience, so you remember how good it feels!


2. Remember the Awakening:


Do you remember the moment you felt most connected to the Universe?  What Abraham Maslow labeled your “peak experiences.”


Some ways to practice remembering this feeling:

  • Close your eyes, slow your breath, and bring that feeling to your awareness.  
  • Feel the feelings, smell the smells, hear the sounds, absorb your senses in this experience.
  • Practice this frequently, in smaller moments throughout your days, and longer meditations as well.


3. Practice Presence:


Taking quiet walks in the snow this week has helped me remember that going slow, being in the moment, and staring at a snow-covered tree while walking my dog can be the most blissful feeling there is.


I was noticing how beautiful that snow covered tree was against the blue sky, when my intuition whispered, “this is a reawakening moment, you are one with the Universe, all you have to do is be present to remember this feeling.”  Because I was present, I was able to hear and trust this.


Some simple ways to practice being present: 

  • Take a mindful walk 
  • Slow down and take 5 deep slow breaths
  • Notice 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, 2 things you can touch, 1 thing you can taste
  • Count all the things around you that you love


All we have to do is get out of our ego thinking mind.  That’s really it.  Beyond our thoughts is a beautiful field of pure awareness.


It is where your truth is, you are here to experience and expand love to those around you.

Learn more about Spiritual Counseling with Shana Olmstead.