I was in session the other day with a client discussing negativity and how to edit it out, when I thought, I should write about this.  We were talking about technology, mostly social media, and how to start paying more attention to the content in our lives and how it impacts our energy.

I have definitely gone through my own learning curve on this issue, just like everyone else.  I didn’t used to be as aware as I am now of energy, and how everything that I am surrounding myself with and inputting into my being has an impact on how I feel, my vibration.  It’s been a process of noticing, adjusting, filtering, and experimenting that is allowing me to become more aligned with how I really want to feel.

Of course it is always a work in progress.  For example, I used to pretty mindlessly listen to NPR a lot of the time. I always thought, this is way better and more intelligent and balanced than other forms of the news, and I come from a family that really values being informed about the world.  I’d have it on when I got ready in the morning (which takes a while, I like to look cute), in the car, when I was doing chores on the weekend, etc.…

It wasn’t until a few years ago when I started experiencing a desire to not.  I wasn’t sure why at first, until I started slowing down and paying attention to how I was feeling when I had it on.  I realized that it definitely wasn’t increasing my vibration or bringing me more peace.  I noticed that it was increasing my stress and anxiety, even if it was subtle and under the surface, and I didn’t want to do that anymore.

I began taking more time in stillness, and mixing that in with much more positive content.  Podcasts, books on tape, things that truly lifted me up and increased my frequency.  My soul was giving me a round of applause, for just simply paying attention and prioritizing my peace and wellbeing.

I’m not saying it’s not important to keep up on what’s happening in the world around us, but it is definitely not necessary to be tuning into these things multiple times a day, or even once a day.  The world will not end if you don’t know every next step of what the administration is doing right now.  Everything will be just fine if you aren’t keeping up with the lives of any Kardashian or any other celebrity on a daily basis.

There is no requirement to stay informed of all the negative things that are happening, especially if you have a difficult time staying neutral about it, and not worrying about the things you have no control over.  Most of the people I work with are empaths, meaning they feel very deeply, and are impacted by the hard things they read about.  They worry about the world and the people in it, more than their own wellbeing.  They prioritize helping the planet more than helping themselves.

The shift to prioritizing peace not only helps each person stay in alignment and moving forward, it helps us all collectively.  The problems of the world can be solved much more effectively by happy, peaceful, spiritually connected people than by worried, fearful, stressed out humans.  Checking your phone multiple times a day to see how bad things are now, is just not a helpful strategy for the evolution of our collective consciousness.

If we all stay in this pattern of fear and paralyzation, we are actually contributing to the problem.  The media likes when we stay in fear because then we have to keep reading, “what is the next tragedy” “how are we going to fix this” “omg things are really bad now, what do we do?” They don’t have an incentive to focus on the positive, but we do.

Get out of the trap.  You don’t have to follow the “rules” of society that say you must be angry at the other side, or if you’re not frustrated you’re not paying attention.  You get to create your own rules for your own life and how you want to feel.

This also goes for the other content on social media, online, on TV, radio or podcasts.  Perhaps you’re trying to lose weight, so you follow fitness pages, but all it does it makes you feel terrible about how you look right now because you can’t stop comparing.  Or maybe you want to make more money, so you follow billionaire’s accounts, but instead of feeling inspiring it makes you feel more broke.  Maybe you care a lot about politics, so you constantly listen to the news, but it just ends up making you feel hopeless or anxious.

Simply beginning to tune in more to your energy when looking at different things on tv, social media, and online will give you all the information you need in order to make the changes to help you prioritize peace in your life.

Some steps to help you prioritize peace in your life are:

  1. Practicing awareness of your energy. Before you start editing or changing anything, spend some time feeling the energy of things the way they already are.  How does it feel when you look at that marshmallow filled cupcake?  Is it inspiring or irritating to see a celebrity’s shoe closet?  How does it impact you energy to check in with CNN or the Huffington Post multiple times a day?  Just noticing without judgment how these things feel to you is a great place to start.
  2. Taking time away from all of it can help you reset.  Try experimenting for a day to start (a week would be even better, but let’s start with baby steps).  Taking all the apps that you normally go to every day off of your phone, don’t worry, you can always put them back!  Turning off the TV and listening to the news and anything else that you realized lowered your vibration from step one.  See how it feels to have more space, time and peace.  What do you do, and who are you without the new normal of this technology that is so ever present?  How do you feel?  Taking some time to meditate and journal about how this feels can help you gain valuable insight.  Ask your soul through journaling, “What is in my highest good to bring back in?”
  3. Once you become more aware of the impact of what you are inputting, and have gotten more clarity through your detox and journaling, it’s time to start editing things. Only having apps that feel good, and only following accounts and people that make you feel good.  Checking in with your energy system before you open any app, podcast, or TV show, and asking “will this help me in my mission of prioritizing peace?” and making decisions from that place most of the time.
  4. Be realistic, and kind and forgiving to yourself. Of course there will be exceptions, and times and places that you are back watching or listening to things that lower your energy.  The point is to create more awareness around when this is happening.  If you consciously choose to do this, be aware, limit the time, and bring in lots of positive energy before and after to stay in alignment.
  5. Enjoy the feeling of prioritizing peace! The more you can be aware and savoring the feeling of staying in a positive frequency more and more of the time the more it will continue.  Being proud of yourself for making changes, and having a loving inner dialogue reminding yourself of all the hard work you’re doing to feel good keeps the positive momentum flowing forward.

Congratulate yourself for being a part of the conscious evolution of humanity.  Celebrate the fact that you are waking up!  You are not sleeping anymore, unaware of the impact of your actions and the content you are surrounding yourself with.  Your courage to create changes in your life will ripple out and continue to help all of us, you are magic!

Read more about Spiritual Counseling with Shana Olmstead.

Shana Olmstead, Intuitive Consultant

I see my life purpose as helping people to awaken to the truth of their divine nature, the powerful spiritual beings that they are. I have assisted hundreds of clients in my therapy practice to wake up to the understanding that we are all made of source energy, and are here to increase our consciousness and joy to help the evolution everyone on the planet. I am so excited and inspired to continue helping people through their own awakening! Contact me to schedule an appointment in person in Kirkland, Washington ​or for a phone or video consultation wherever you are located.