We are meant to be happy at work! When we start to feel differently it is not a clue to start taking an antidepressant or get a plant in your office. It is an invitation to go deeper. To do some self-inquiry on a soul level. To really begin tuning into what brings you joy.
Some ways to start are:
1. Focus on appreciation
The best way to create something new in your life is to appreciate what you already have.
Find ways to appreciate the things you like about your job and focus on them every day, whether it’s your coworkers, your beautiful view, or the great snacks in the break room, focusing on gratitude will keep your energy high and let you imagine new possibilities more easily!
2. What parts of your job do you enjoy?
Slow down and ask yourself, what about this job do I like?
Tuning into the parts of your job that make you feel happy will give you clues about what might be next for you in your career.
A very simple example maybe, if you really enjoy relationship building or mentoring in your job, but don’t enjoy the corporate culture, forming your own coaching or consulting business might be a better fit for you.
3. Get curious
Don’t judge yourself for reevaluating your job! It is normal and healthy to want to keep evolving, and if something is not working it is important to allow change to occur.
Be an investigator without judgment into your feelings and energy. Start a journal to track your collecting data about your experiences with your job, without judging them.
Ask yourself questions throughout the day like:
How do I feel when I think about my job?
Am I excited to go to work in the morning?
Am I at peace at work, or do I feel anxious or depressed?
Do I feel drained or energized when I’m done with work?
Any information is ok, but understanding more about how you feel will help you make decisions that are more in alignment with your future.
4. Get out of your head and connect with your deeper insight
Many or most people tend to use their brains to decide their next career move. Of course, this is what we are taught, to think and analyze and plan and process.
A more authentically aligned place to make decisions from is our own intuition. This always knows what’s best for us even if our brain disagrees (usually because of fear).
To access this deeper form of awareness, practice meditation, and other ways to still your mind and become present.
We often feel that we are “too busy” to have quiet time with ourselves, but this is actually the only way to determine if you should change jobs and where you should go next. It is impossible to know what to do when you are so busy and in your head all the time!
5. Feeling as if
If you are unhappy with your job it’s because either the reality of it or your perception is not matching up with your desired expectations.
In order to either create more happiness in your current job or find one that will make you happier you actually have to begin cultivating that feeling first.
The way to shift this is to spend 3-5 minutes several times a day, feeling the feeling you want to feel when you have the job of your dreams.
Imagine and feel yourself having freedom, peace, and happiness in whatever job you have. This will help you attract changes in your current job that will increase your happiness or a new job that will be a better fit!
6. Don’t worry, be happy
Worrying about anything is never helpful. If you find yourself worrying about leaving your job or finding a new one that fear will slow down your progress and make it harder for you to find clarity.
Shift your worry to joy and faith as much as you can. Trust that what is right for you is on its way, and trust the signs that it’s time to make a change.
7. Be your own cheerleader
Sometimes we stay stuck because we don’t feel we deserve to make the changes that would be good for us.
Practice encouraging yourself and being kind to yourself. This will help you get out of your fearful brain and help you have more clarity on what you really want.
8. Turn fear into faith
Most people get stuck in making a career change because of fear. “What if I can’t find a new job” or “This job has great benefits” etc…
This sometimes traps people in jobs that aren’t healthy for them, for a lifetime!
Practicing new phrases like “Everything is working out for me” and “What if I’m on the right track?” will reduce your fear and increase your faith. This will help you make the career choices that are right for you and will help you grow, rather than another job choice based on fear or logic.
Questioning your job or career is actually a positive thing! It means you are growing and on the verge of an even more exciting and transformative change in the future!
Learn more about Spiritual Counseling with Shana Olmstead.