How Love Transforms Judgment

How Love Transforms Judgment

What if there is no such thing as good or bad?  What if these labels aren’t helpful for us or our emotional and spiritual health?  What if everything is ok just as it is? We all judge all day long.  Most of this is unconscious and under the surface.  We are probably...
Being Your Own Best Friend

Being Your Own Best Friend

How many times have you called your best friend fat?  Or called them an idiot?  Or that they should know better?  Or thought over and over about what they did wrong?  I don’t know about you, but I’m not friends with people I talk to or think about like that and I hope...
Your Ego is Not Your Amigo

Your Ego is Not Your Amigo

Your ego is not your amigo.  What does that mean?  Your ego is full of fear, pretty bossy, very controlling, and not generally looking out for your soul’s true highest good.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t have friends like that in my life.  My amigos are not...


Everyone is a little codependent.  We need to depend on each other for some of the things, some of the time.  When it becomes a problem is when we aren’t able to connect with our own truth and depend solely on others for our happiness and peace. This can look...