“If you feel like you don’t fit into the world you inherited it is because you were born to help create a new one.”
Ross Caligiuri, Dreaming in the Shadows

a lady walking alone in a beautiful mountains area.

She had that familiar feeling to me.  Like the majority of my clients, she was a beautiful, old, sparkly, sensitive, compassionate soul.  She didn’t know that yet, however, because she grew up in a family that was very different from her.

Where they were harsh, she was gentle.  Where they were sarcastic, she was sensitive.  Where they were
“normal,” she felt different.  Where they were wounded, but unaware, and unwilling to work on themselves, she was beginning to understand that empowerment and peace comes through self discovery.Butterfly with yellow and black on a pink flower

She thinks there’s something wrong with her.  Because she doesn’t understand them, and can’t understand
why they don’t understand her.  Because they’ve often told her there’s something wrong with her for not thinking the same way they do.  Because no one has ever explained to her that in fact there’s absolutely nothing wrong with her.  That actually she is sensitive for a reason.  That this sensitivity is a gift, and she is part of the great awakening of consciousness, here to spread her light to the world.

So many of my clients fit this pattern, so many of them feel like the black sheep in their families.  They feel like an outsider, and judge themselves for not being like them, and take what they do and say personally.

I’ve worked with many people who identify in this way, and here are some things that have been helpful in embracing their unique differences as the “black sheep” in their family or world in general.

How to embrace being a “black sheep”


man standing in a cave with light cascading down on him.

1. Acceptance:

The more you can accept yourself, and your differences, the more fun you’ll have being the black sheep.  Find ways to embrace your weirdness, and love all of your sensitivities.

What a gift it is to be such a kind, compassionate soul who feels so deeply!

Start making lists of the things you love about yourself, adding to it everyday, and practice shifting your thoughts.

Instead of: “I wish I could just fit in and be normal!”

Practice: “I love and accept myself more and more everyday.”

2. Forgiveness:

This goes for yourself and others.  It’s difficult to accept yourself or others if you’re too busy holding grudges!

Everyone is wounded, and just trying to do their best.  Forgive and accept those in your life that don’t understand you, and want you to fit in their box.

They are just in a different state of consciousness than you, and see the world through their own point of view.

Practice holding loving energy all the time, and shifting your thoughts.

Instead of: “I don’t understand why he is so close minded!”

Practice: “As I send him loving energy, both of our souls expand.”

3. Don’t Take it Personal:

It’s not personal.  What other people do or say is not personal!

I know it reallllly feels that way!  It’s so hard sometimes to not get hooked into other’s emotions, especially as a sensitive soul.

Practice trusting that you’re a unique and amazing soul, and and shift your thoughts.

Instead of: “Why is she so negative to me?”

Practice: “Her negativity has nothing to do with me”

4. Keep Your Vibe High:

Your vibe is your responsibility.  Don’t allow your perceptions of what others think of you to lower your vibration.

Remind yourself of all of the outliers, the black sheep, the brave souls that embrace their individuality.

You are one of a kind, not meant to fit in!  You are an evolved, old soul, here to help the world evolve.

Focus on what makes you happy as much as possible, and practice shifting your thoughts.

Instead of: “How can I make them understand me?”

Practice: “As I hold a frequency of love, the illusion of separation disappears”

5. Hang Out With Other Black Sheep:

Most of my clients, myself, as well as most of the people I hang out with in my life fit this black sheep description.

Finding ways to connect with others who get the feeling of not being understood by their families or others in their lives, is super important for healing and expansion.

Find others you can connect with who share your feelings, and who do understand you.  This helps you love and accept yourself even more, and allows you light to expand more brightly into the world.

Do things you love with like minded people, and practice shifting your thoughts.

Instead of: “Why can’t I just fit in more like my sister?”

Practice: “As I embrace my uniqueness, I attract my tribe”

Being a black sheep is super rad.  You don’t have to try to be normal, or conform, or fit in to anyone’s box.

You feel like you don’t fit in because you’re not supposed to.  You’re here to help create a new awakening of consciousness for the world.

You are an amazing piece of universal life source energy, here to expand and share your light!  

Read more about Spiritual Counseling with Shana Olmstead.