scuba diver in a yoga pose

It’s so easy to slip out of the moment.  To forget that we are beings of light, powerful co-creators of our reality, here to enjoy, feel love, and spread joy.

We all get caught up in “reality”.  Doing the dishes, paying the bills, rushing to meet deadlines.  It’s so easy to forget the truth, that all is well in the present moment.

I was recently at a peaceful cabin in the woods, by the water, with my family.  My 6 year old niece and I love each other so much, and also share a love of rising early.  On my own, I usually wake up at about 5:00, when she’s at home she wakes up at about 6:00 or 6:30.  When we have time together however, she always hears me at my 5:00 time, wakes up and runs out to see me so that we can snuggle, eat blueberries, and watch cartoons.

I love this time with her so much!  There are some challenges, however.  She gets pretty cranky over the weekend if she wakes up at 5:00.  I also (secretly, inside) get cranky if I don’t get my hour of alone quiet time in the morning.

So, the last morning of our time together, I woke at 5:00, and she did not!  I discovered a trick of keeping the sound machine app on my Cabin in the woodsphone turned on, and that helped her keep sleeping.

I got my blueberries, my coffee, my water and headed out on the deck to stare at the water and sunrise.  I decided to meditate, so very quietly tiptoed back inside to get my headphones, so I could do my normal binaural beats meditation.

I was so proud of myself!  I made it all the way into my room, got the headphones, and back outside without waking up my niece!  I was excited to sit down and meditate, and then, woops, forgot that I also need my phone, which was still acting like a sound machine, to use my headphones.

OMG, slightly annoyed, I took a deep breath, and then suddenly realized that the sounds of nature were all around me.  There were a variety of birds discussing very important things, and pair of chipmunks having a conversation.  The sun was out, there was a slight breeze, there was a lovely fire going, and flowers were blooming.

In that moment, I snapped back into remembering the truth.  That all is well.  That meditating to the sounds of nature beats headphones and a phone any day.  That I am one with nature, and there is nothing to worry about.  That I can take this moment with me even when I’m not here.

It was such a good reminder that the moment is always full of magic and beauty, if we can just remember to sink back into it.  To get out of our heads, and into the flow.


Some easy ways to sink into the moment are:


Woman doing yoga during a sunset

1. Look for What You Love:


Stop and look around right now.


Name everything that you can see that you love and why you love it.


Practicing appreciative mindfulness brings you back to the moment, elevates your vibration, and increases the feel-good chemicals in your body.

2. Use Your Senses:


Use your senses to bring you back to the magic of the moment.


Name five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.


Using your senses is a quick and easy way to come back to the moment and relax your nervous system.

3. Stop Your Mind:


It’s so hard to be present when you’re in your head.


Stop, and bring your energy back into your body.


Breathe into your big toes, and continue breathing each deep slow breath through the rest of your toes, your feet, and up the rest of your body.


Bringing your awareness out of your head and into your body brings you back into the flow of the present moment.

4. Move Mindfully:


Mindful movement is a beautiful way to come back to the moment.


Yoga, running, hiking, or other forms of mindful movement can help bring you back to the truth of who you are.


Practice just being in the moment while you’re moving your body.  Really feel your quadriceps in your downward dog.  Stare at the leaves flowing in the wind on your walk.


Bringing a mindfulness practice into your movement practice doubles the benefits and gets you back into harmony with your higher self.


I hope you have fun practicing remembering the moment, there are so many gifts waiting there for you!


Read more about Spiritual Counseling with Shana Olmstead.