
There’s Nothing Wrong With You
I have had several new clients this week, who reached out to me for various reasons. Social anxiety, discerning a career path, anxiety, self-criticism, etc. I began noticing a pattern, not...

4 Things Your Future Self Needs This Holiday Season
Taking the long view of the holiday season can help us get through with peace, love and gratitude. Especially this year, looking at the big picture and taking a higher perspective about all of it...

How to Heal Hypervigilance
“I get triggered every time I’m around him.” He said. “He’s always judging me.” He felt self-critical, always trying, and failing, to live up to what he thought his dad’s example was. His dad was...

Calm and Connected Conversations
Sometimes conversations go around and around. Each person not listening to the other and just trying to prove their own point. You can feel when this is happening, it’s frustrating, it feels...

How to Set Boundaries as an Empath
Setting boundaries can be really hard. Especially for sweet, sensitive empathic people like you. Sometimes it only happens when you have reached your limit. Then you may explode (internally or at...
Signs You Should Never (Ever, Ever) Get Back Together
Should you go back to your ex? If you’re asking this question, you most likely already have the answer inside. You may have asked everyone you know, done 3 different color-coded pros and cons...

How To Make (and Keep) Good Friends
I hear the story all the time “It’s too hard to make friends as an adult” or “I don’t have time to hang out with friends” or “I’ve known them so long; I can’t change friends now.” I think sometimes...

Looking For the Lesson
I tend to go fast, get a lot done, and do a lot myself. I am aware of this, and while it mostly serves me, it also is something I’m consciously working on. I know that it’s fun to operate like...

Creating Your Own Happiness
Sooo, I may be writing all of my blogs about my sweet new dog Rosie from now on. Ok not really, but still feeling pretty excited/obsessed with her. I had an insight this week about some of the...
Following the Flow
My sweet, lovely, graceful dog Jasmine passed away a couple of months ago. She passed on an eclipse, just like my mom, whom I inherited her from. Magical. She was an angel, and getting older,...