Anything can change at any moment.  It’s all about perspective.  When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.  The same thing you could have just been obsessed about changing or fixing, when looked at through just a slightly different perspective, can be a miracle and a blessing.

There are an infinite number of ways to look at anything that’s happening, has happened or will happen.  The ability to change perspectives is a uniquely human gift and much of the time we are unconsciously shifting our perspective towards fear and anxiety about whatever we are thinking about.

While this perspective can feel very real, because our brains are easily convinced of anything threatening, it is actually not true.  Just because our amazing imaginations can conjure up something to be worried about does not mean that it is in any way valid.  Our brains have been wired from thousands of years ago to be on the lookout for danger in order to keep us safe.

Fear is also a defense mechanism that comes up in order to keep us from expanding, taking risks, and growing into the magnificent selves that we are here to become.  It can feel terrifying, consciously or not, to contemplate just how powerful we really are.

The most amazing thing to me about us is that we are capable of changing our brains, our minds, our perspectives, at any moment.  We are in charge of them, not the other way around.  This new awareness, was life changing for me and the clients that I have worked with over the years.

To understand, at a deep level, that we are the observer of the thought, not the thought itself.  The watcher of the fearful scene in our imagination, not the fear itself, and the listener to the worry, but not the actual worry.  To understand this concept that positivity, happiness and joy is actually a choice, not just a random thing that happens once in a while, is one of the first steps to true spiritual awakening.  To a real path to spiritual evolution and enlightenment.

I’ve seen many times this awareness move someone on a cellular level.  It is so exciting to realize that we are in charge of our lives and our consciousness.  Many times people get so excited about this that they turn into evangelists and want to start sharing with friends and family (who usually really need help too!) when they are still in the beginning stages of flexing their perspective shifting muscles.

I’m sure I did this too when I first went through my spiritual awakening.  It is such a powerful realization on a soul level that I wanted my whole soul posse to level up with me to my new awareness’s.  How can you guys not be freaking out about this?  I would think.  We are so powerful, we are in charge of what we think and feel, we are beings of light made up of source energy and with a simple shift in perspective in the moment can wake up to this realization again and again all day long, forever.  It is amazing!

Not everyone by a long shot in my life was ready for me trying to teach them about this, and my clients have definitely had similar experiences.  My experience has taught me to practice, practice, practice, this new consciousness as much of the time as I can remember, and to stay in my own lane.  My job is not to make anyone do or say or think anything differently than they want to or are ready to.  My job, and everyone’s job, is to continue to work on showing up as a powerful beam of light.  To continue to work on my inner glow, which is shaped in large part by the perspectives that I practice all day every day, in order to shine it on those around me.  To be a light of consciousness in order to give those around us permission to step into their own powerful beings of light, powered by positive perspectives.

As we continue to do this it naturally influences those around us.  Those that are ready to evolve and take responsibility on a conscious level for the evolution of their soul will be more and more drawn to us and will begin to do their own inner work to let the light of their soul increase its dominance over the lower ego energy.

Not everyone will be ready to grow, which is ok.  Evolution is not a race.  Everyone is growing at their own pace, it is perfect for them for reasons we don’t need to understand.  Judging anyone for not evolving their perspectives as quickly as we think they should is not helpful for our energy system or theirs.  Judgment is a low vibration energy and not useful for anyone.

Instead, we can shift the judgment to a perspective that remembers that everyone is a powerful soul on their own journey, learning what they need to learn for the development of their consciousness. This is a much more effective way to help us, and them, and everyone else, continue to grow.

With all the different perspectives out there how do we know how to choose the right one?  This is the fun part.  I’m sure you’ve felt the shift when you’ve been able to shift from a negative and fearful way of looking at a situation to a more positive and peaceful one.  It’s a relaxing inside.  It’s a softening and an opening.  It’s a light and hopeful feeling.

We’ve all gotten skilled at ignoring this feeling due to logical reasons, and using our brain or external data to make decisions about things.  But just because we have gotten good at being disconnected doesn’t mean it’s good for us, or helpful in any way.  It’s just a habit, and most humans are caught up in this moving forward without really paying attention to the way our energy system is responding to what we’re doing.

Once we can start paying more attention to how our body feels as we try on different perspectives, or ways of looking at things, it becomes much easier and more natural to move forward in this way rather than pushing, or forcing or guessing because we are not connected to our inner wisdom.

Our body and emotions will help guide us to the most beneficial perspective for us in any moment.  It will feel right, peaceful and calm rather than forced or rushed.

A five step process for simply shifting to a powerful positive perspective are:

  1. Get still. When you notice a thought or way of looking at things is not feeling right to you: tightness in your body, feeling anxious or worried, feeling depressed, etc… These are clues that you are out of alignment and you need a perspective shift.  It’s time to slow down, take five slow conscious breaths, and tune into yourself.
  2. Once you’ve gotten still and calmed your body and mind down, ask yourself “what am I thinking?” For example “I’m probably going to get fired tomorrow because I messed up on a project.” Creating awareness of our thoughts is so important, much of the time we have unconscious automatic thoughts happening which are creating unhappiness that is under the surface, below our awareness.  As we increase our consciousness of our thoughts we increase our power over our positive perspective.
  3. After the thoughts have been identified, ask yourself “is this true”. Most of the time our thoughts, especially fear based ones, have no factual evidence to support them.  They are literally False Evidence Appearing Real.  Writing down the evidence to disprove the negative thought helps prove to the brain that it is not true and helps it to release the thought.  For example: some evidence to disprove the negative thought about getting fired tomorrow could be: I have gotten a lot of positive feedback from peers and managers, I rarely make mistakes, I complete my projects on time, etc…
  4. Shift the energy! It’s so important once you are calmer, and you have disproven this thought to your brain, that you get your energy elevated.  Getting into a happier place will help multiply the powerful positive perspectives in your awareness.  The higher your vibration is the more positive possibilities that are available to you.  Call a happy friend, imagine yourself on the beach in Hawaii, surround yourself with flowers, drink your favorite tea.  These are just a few ways to heighten your energy, there are so many others available, pick one and try it out.
  5. Shift to a powerfully positive new perspective. When you’re more in alignment, the thoughts about your job can easily be shifted to things like: “What if I am a successful member of the team?” and “Only good will come from this.”  As you try the new ways of looking at things on, your internal guidance will become better and better at feeling the way to the best one for you in each circumstance.

All is always well, and all it takes is a little consistent practice to create these new neural pathways in your brain of positive perspectives.  The more you practice, the easier it is for your brain to move toward this positivity in the future, so exciting!!

This practice of powerful positive perspective shifting is a beautiful way to incorporate spiritual practice into your days.  Every moment is here to help us awaken, welcoming these beautiful gifts can help shift the perspective of things being hard and challenging, to lovely learning opportunities for our soul instead.

Have fun increasing your powerful positive perspective and let me know how it goes!

Shana Olmstead, Intuitive Consultant

I see my life purpose as helping people to awaken to the truth of their divine nature, the powerful spiritual beings that they are. I have assisted hundreds of clients in my therapy practice to wake up to the understanding that we are all made of source energy, and are here to increase our consciousness and joy to help the evolution everyone on the planet. I am so excited and inspired to continue helping people through their own awakening! Contact me to schedule an appointment in person in Kirkland, Washington ​or for a phone or video consultation wherever you are located.