How do you start the day?  Sleepy and hitting the snooze button over and over?  Pulling the blankets over your head and dreading opening your eyes?  Cranky and irritated at the loved one who’s trying to wake you up?  Or maybe you are filled with joyful rainbows and butterflies, eager to start your day?

It’s really easy to let the morning start without intention or consciousness.  To repeat the same routine day after day without awareness that there are other options.  The way we start the day makes a big difference to the level of our vibration throughout the rest of the day.  When we aren’t consciously bringing in the good in the morning it’s likely that our beautiful human brains will fall into the old habit of negativity, worry and fear.

When we go to sleep, it’s a beautiful opportunity to reset anything that was bothering you from the day before.  Your brain and body is at peace and anything that seems to be a problem really isn’t.  The trick is to hold onto that beautiful place of stillness after you wake up, and to expand and heighten it consciously.  The really good news is….you are in control of this!

It feels so random sometimes I know.  Sometimes you wake up feeling great, or at least ok, and sometimes it’s super hard to get out of bed.  The thing is, you have a lot to do with either of these outcomes.  That information is not to be used to blame yourself if you’re not feeling good, it’s to help you feel responsible and in charge of your own peace and happiness, because you are!

I’m not saying it will be perfect.  I’m not saying it won’t be more difficult sometimes than others.  And I’m not saying that you won’t have down days.  What I am saying is you have more power than you think.  You can do hard things.  You can change patterns and habits that are keeping your frequency low.  And you can bounce back and move through things more easily and quickly than you have before.

It only takes about two weeks to start developing new habits, and new neural pathways in your brain to support the permanency of them.  Just two weeks of practicing a new way of being in the morning can truly make a lifelong difference in how you feel the rest of your day, and the rest of your life.

First thing in the morning right after we wake up our brains are in a different, more relaxed, alpha state.  This means we are more able to connect with our subconscious and make changes that will have a lasting impact on us.

Often the first thing we feel we “need” to do is grab our phone to see what texts, emails and other notifications we received.  What’s happening in politics that we just can’t miss, or which of our friends is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.  What if we miss out on something really important?

Really?  Are any of those thing that important?  Is the world really going to come to an end if you don’t like a picture or respond to a message in the next 30 minutes?  Or is something else way more important.  Is something else actually the priority and the foundation for every single other thing in your life?

It just seems pretty simple to me that if we wake up and don’t make ourselves and our peace and our happiness the absolute top priority in our lives that our lives are probably not going to go the way we want them to.

Say you have a bad night sleep, you are cranky when you wake up, you press the snooze button four times because you’re so tired, you right away look at your work email and notice you have an urgent problem your boss needs you to handle, and you see on Instagram that your ex-boyfriend is on a trip to Hawaii with someone new.  Maybe this makes your cranky mood even worse, you rush through the morning, skipping breakfast and getting a speeding ticket on the way to work because you just have to get there to put out the work fire.  Then you end up being late, judging yourself the whole way, and creating a fight or flight response in your body that makes it impossible to concentrate and solve the problem at work.  You end up fighting with your significant other because you’re so tired and irritated, you have to work late to finish the work issue, and you miss your evening workout.  Your partner is justifiably annoyed when you get home, you forget to pick up dinner, and you are too stressed to fall asleep.  AAAAHHHHHH….no fun, no bueno at all.

So this may be kind of an extreme example, but not really.  I hear it all the time, it’s actually pretty normal to get into a negative cycle.  To create a momentum in a downward spiral because your vibration in the morning was not your priority.  To unconsciously react to your life rather than consciously co create a lovely reality for yourself.

So here’s a different scenario.  Maybe you still don’t sleep that well, but you are aware and kind to yourself about it. Perhaps your phone is asleep in a different room and you kindly let it rest until you are in a happy, peaceful and fulfilled state.  Maybe you gently and slowly wake up, tell yourself you are “relaxed” today, not tired, and you are going to ease your way into the day with a 10 minute meditation.  You then read a few pages of some beautiful inspirational material, and repeat your own personal affirmations to increase your vibration.  You move your body some or a lot.  Maybe some yoga, maybe a walk or a hike.  Reminding yourself that your body is such a miracle and a blessing.

You’re able to have time to nourish yourself with a healthy breakfast, and drive at the appropriate speed to work.  You don’t check your phone until you’re at work, and are much more prepared to handle the work problem (that’s not actually that big of a problem) and let the ex-boyfriend have fun in Hawaii (good for him, you’re happy too!)  You leave work on time, get in a lovely yoga class, are feeling peaceful and serene and loving when you come home to your partner, and have a wonderful dinner and a peaceful night’s sleep.

Maybe you deeply connect to the peace and stillness that are always inside of you.  You remind yourself that you are so loved by the universe and always have all the help you need.  Everything is always working out for you.  You practice this every day and it becomes easier and easier to do, and you start looking for the good all day and coming back to peace more and more quickly throughout the day.

It seems simple and it is, it just takes some small baby steps to get started on a more positive note throughout the day.  There is nothing more important than you living in alignment!

  1. Please don’t check technology until you’ve been awake at least 30 minutes. Let your brain ease into the day, and bring in the positive first, so it’s more primed in that direction the rest of the day.  I promise it can wait, and any issue you need to handle will be so much easier when you are feeling your best.
  2. Find practices that work for you. Whether it’s taking a cup of tea outside and sitting quietly for 20 minutes, a more formal meditation practice, or something else that helps you cultivate stillness, these practices in the morning help your mind come back to that peaceful place more easily the rest of the day.
  3. Bring in the positive. Again, however this works best for you.  Sometimes it’s reading inspirational material, or affirmation cards, or writing your own affirmations or gratitude list.  Research shows that focusing on bringing in the good in the morning really makes a difference all day long.
  4. Moving your body. Even just a little.  Moving the large muscles of your body in the morning helps the energy in your body get moving and lets it know that it’s time to wake up.
  5. Remind yourself that you are loved by others, yourself and the universe. You are such a miracle and are always surrounded by loving energy.  Staying connected to this awareness helps keep your vibration in a positive place all day long.

There are many other ways to consciously have a magical morning.  I encourage you to experiment and see what works best for you, and share what you learn!

Shana Olmstead, Intuitive Consultant

I see my life purpose as helping people to awaken to the truth of their divine nature, the powerful spiritual beings that they are. I have assisted hundreds of clients in my therapy practice to wake up to the understanding that we are all made of source energy, and are here to increase our consciousness and joy to help the evolution everyone on the planet. I am so excited and inspired to continue helping people through their own awakening! Contact me to schedule an appointment in person in Kirkland, Washington ​or for a phone or video consultation wherever you are located.