Sometimes us empaths and sensitive people are a little too serious. We want everyone to be ok, we worry about the state of the world, and we try so hard to be good people. This is all wonderful, but one of the secrets to happiness is also…it’s not that serious!

Life is meant to be enjoyed. There is humor and light everywhere, just waiting for you to take off your “the world is so hard” goggles and put on your “it’s all fun and silly” ones instead. What if it’s all here to be taken lightly? What if the lighter we take things the lighter our energy is and the faster we evolve?

Everything is made up of energy. The slower these energy molecules vibrate the more heavy and dense and serious things are. It feels immovable. It feels stuck, like a rock, like there’s nothing we can do to change it.
I know you can feel what I’m talking about. Just imagine yourself on a sunny day, having fun, feeling light, seeing something silly and laughing your head off. And now imagine yourself in a dark room, thinking and worrying about something that is bothering you. Can you feel the difference energetically? Can you feel the difference between the heaviness and the light?

This is a real thing, proven by quantum physics. Your energy actually changes depending on how you are feeling. And how you are feeling has a lot to do with what you are thinking about. If you are stuck in heavy, depressing, worry kind of thoughts your energy is heavy, dense and close to the earth.

If you instead are able to keep it light, to see the humor and beauty and joy in even the “struggle” your energy becomes lighter, more joyful and easier to maneuver in the way that will continue to help you to expand.

The more you are able to bring in the light to your being and your life, the easier it will be for you to be aware of what is in your highest good. Your potential and possibilities are blocked from your vision if you are stuck in lower, heavier, denser energetic states. The light is where the answers are.

Some easy ways to quickly activate your light and shift your energy are:

1. Practice awareness of your energy:
Start to pay close attention to when you are getting too serious or “heavy” energetically. This can feel different for everyone, there is no right or wrong.

You may feel sadness in your body, or worry. Or you may notice feeling tired or actually physically heavy. An ache in a specific body part may be your unique signal that you are out of alignment.

Just start to be an investigator to your own internal clues about where your energy is running, without any judgment about it.

2. Put on your “lighten up” lenses:
Once you have created more awareness around when your energy is shifting into the heavy zone, it’s time to practice seeing things differently.

Where can you see the humor or light in any situation that is bringing your energy down? How can you laugh at anything, as the universe does? With the understanding that nothing is ever really wrong? That everything is always in perfect divine timing?

For example, can that mean manager at work transform in your imagination into a cute toddler throwing a temper tantrum? Or can that date that didn’t go well turn into a scene from a romantic comedy in your imagination rather than a negative part of your failed love life narrative?

It just takes a little practice to shift your perspective from heavy to light.

3. Do fun and light things with fun and light people:
I mean, duh, but yeah this one is really important.

Bring in lots of things that help you feel light and joyful: watching funny movies or shows, doing cartwheels in the grass, going dancing, riding your bike….again this is unique to everyone, but find things that bring in your light, and make you feel sparkly, and do them. And do them some more.

Make sure the company you keep has this same intention of bringing in the light. Hang out with people that can see the joy, the light and humor in life and can help you do the same. Don’t hang out with people that can’t (as much as you can help it:)

Simply setting an energetic intention to lighten up, every day will start to shift your energy as well. Affirm to yourself every day that you are a being of light, here to ascend and grow. Remind yourself every day to see the world through your “lighten up” lenses.

You’re doing great, you are already a being of light, you don’t need to try so hard. Just relax, release and flow upwards into the light. You are magic!

Shana Olmstead, Intuitive Consultant

I see my life purpose as helping people to awaken to the truth of their divine nature, the powerful spiritual beings that they are. I have assisted hundreds of clients in my therapy practice to wake up to the understanding that we are all made of source energy, and are here to increase our consciousness and joy to help the evolution everyone on the planet. I am so excited and inspired to continue helping people through their own awakening! Contact me to schedule an appointment in person in Kirkland, Washington ​or for a phone or video consultation wherever you are located.