When I was growing up, my Grandma always had a little booklet called The Daily Word nearby.  She would read it each morning, and every day it would inspire her with a little quote and passage to read.  As I grew up, she got me a subscription to this of my own, and after she passed, my aunt (who also reads it every day) passed along the tradition and sent me a subscription as well.

Every morning as soon as I wake up, it’s the first thing I reach for.  It gives me a moment of peace, stillness and positive inspiration for the day.  It also helps me to feel connected to these lovely mystical women in my life, my grandmother and aunt.

One day last week I really was inspired by the message “I release, and I am at peace.”  This is a very simple message, but so powerful. What a beautiful mantra to repeat throughout the day, to maintain your peace when you feel good, and to reset when things get a little wonky.  

We all have old negative energy hanging out in our bodies.  This comes from old wounds, traumas, unexpressed emotions, and many other things.  It’s normal and there’s nothing wrong with it, but in order to continue our evolution, it’s important to allow this to continuously release, allowing lighter energy to flow in.

After connecting with the daily word, as I went throughout my day I continued to practice repeating the phrase “I release, and I am at peace” as much as I could remember.  As I was in meditation a little later in the day I had a beautiful visual representation of this idea.

I saw stagnant energy leaving my body as I released.  This helped me to release, becoming lighter, clearer, happier, and allowing my vibrational frequency to become more in alignment with the universe.  Like a cork, kept underwater by heavier energy, as this releases, we are more and more able to bob up to the surface where we belong.

As we release this heavy energy we are able to allow our energy to become more expansive.  We feel lighter, and less tethered to the world and any perceived “problems” that we have. We continue to remember more and more the light and love that we are made of.

This doesn’t mean we don’t live in the real world.  It’s still important to remain grounded and connected to earth energy of course.  It does mean that we will have more access to higher realms of consciousness, which allows us, among other things, to perceive more amazing possibilities for ourselves than we previously imagined!

Some practical ways to integrate releasing and being at peace are:

1. Practice the mantra “I release and I am at peace” using cues:

  • Shifting your energy, and releasing old energy takes consistency, time, and practice.
  • Find times to plug this practice in proactively, attaching it to things you already do every day:
    • Repeat it first as soon as you wake up for 30 seconds.
    • Practice as you are brushing your teeth.
    • Every time you start your car, practice the mantra for 30 seconds.

These are just some examples of ways that you can use cues to help you remember to release and be at peace.

2. Use your breath:

3-5 times every day for 60 seconds find somewhere that you can be quiet and still.

Slow your breathing and match your breath to the mantra.  On the inhale repeat “I am at peace,” as you exhale repeat “I release.”

As you continue this practice your body will relax, and you will feel lighter.  Using your breath with the mantra helps to integrate it into your body.

3. Visualize:

Practice coming up with some lovely visuals that help you imagine releasing negative, stressful, heavy energy from your body and feeling more at ease.

This can look like grey smoke, or a shadow, or any other visual that works for you.

Just practice imagining this energy releasing from your body, and as it does, you become more and more filled with light.

Repeating this visualization over time will help your energy system begin to do this more on its own.  Over time this will become automatic and will not have to consciously practice as much in order to stay in a peaceful state.

4. Pay attention to the progress of your peaceful practice:

As your energy system continues to expand and lighten up, pay attention.

The more you can notice this shift, be proud of yourself, and feel empowered about the way you are shifting things, the more you will continue to progress.

It is an incredible thing to be able to align with peace and light rather than heaviness and darkness!

You are a powerful being, able to change the denseness of your aura with your consciousness, how amazing!  You are meant to glow, to be light, to expand and to play in joy. I encourage you to continue to allow your light to continue to glow so brightly that there is no more room inside of you for darkness or heaviness.

You are made of light and stardust, don’t ever forget!