Bringing the Magical into the Practical

Bringing the Magical into the Practical

Staring at the clock, waiting for work to be over.  Feeling trapped and bored and flat.  Spinning and spinning in your head about all the problems, all the time. We can get so caught up in “reality”.  Obsessing about problems, or conversations, or work issues, etc....
Natural Antidepressants

Natural Antidepressants

Antidepressants have been one of the most prescribed prescription medications for decades. They are popular and people tend to take them for long periods of time, sometimes forever.  They can be a godsend for some people, changing the way they feel and operate in the...
Emotions and Anxiety

Emotions and Anxiety

So many of my clients initially come to see me because of anxiety. There are many reasons they feel this way, but I do notice some common patterns and themes. Generally, even when people don’t think there is any good “reason” they should feel anxious, as we dig under...
Looking Forward to the Little Things

Looking Forward to the Little Things

Sooo we’re still in “lockdown”. It’s been almost two months now and it’s starting to feel regular to me, how bout you?   I’m observing myself falling into a peaceful, simple rhythm that’s kind of nice. It makes me think often of how things used to be.  In simpler...
Virtually Connected

Virtually Connected

I am so grateful that I have the job that I do!  I get to talk to amazing people every day about their feelings and collaborate with them in the evolution of their consciousness, how exciting! It is the coolest job I could imagine.  How lucky am I that what I get paid...
The Light of Transformation

The Light of Transformation

How do we hold onto hope during this time?  It can feel so scary and uncertain right now.  In my work, clients are wondering when they will be able to go back to work, how long will the social distancing last, will they or their families get sick, when will this all...